Foundation logo hands in a circle

Ways to Give

By donating to the Carleton Place and District Memorial Hospital Foundation, you are making a real difference for health care in our community― for now and for the future.


Give Online

Use our secure online donation form to make a one-time donation, pay a pledge or provide ongoing support through a monthly gift and receive your electronic tax receipt immediately.

Online donations can be made by following this link: Donate now

By Mail

Donations by cheque* can be mailed to:

The Carleton Place and District Memorial Hospital Foundation

211 Lake Avenue East

Carleton Place, Ontario

K7C 1J4

Please accompany your cheque with information about your donation, i.e. if in memoriam to whom, for a specific piece of patient care equipment or to where the need is most, etc.

*Please make your cheque payable to:

“The Carleton Place and District Memorial Hospital Foundation” or “CPDMH Foundation”


Please do not mail cash.

By Phone

VISA or MasterCard donations may be made by phone by calling our friendly Foundation Staff at: 613-257-GIVE (4483). 


By Email

You can notify us by email that you would like to make a gift and our Foundation staff will be in contact with you to arrange a time and method that suits you best to make your gift. Emails may be sent to: foundation@carletonplacehosp.com.

In Person

We are excited to meet with you in person in our office at the Main Entrance of the Hospital. The office is open 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. NOTE: that we are closed over the lunch hour. There is a mailbox located on the right-hand side of our door where you can leave a message or donation. 

Thank you for your generosity and your commitment to exceptional health care at the Carleton Place & District Memorial Hospital!